Wait. What? Why?

Wethermerch is a passion not-for-profit project (try saying that after six vodka cokes) by two guys with a bizarre obsession for Wetherspoons.


Because it’s an institution truly there for everyone. From broke students to microwave curry enthusiasts. From those wanting a 5am pint before a flight to those sneaking a late night whisky before the last train home. From people who are aware that every Spoons carpet is unique to people who admittedly have more important and interesting things going on in their lives. 

Whoever you are and why ever you visit a spoons, this project is for you. Because everyone deserves to look as good as a cheap pint tastes. 


You say ‘look as good as a cheap pint tastes.’ Is that a good thing?

That depends on your outlook on fashion, finance and fermented hops.

Are these garments good quality?

We wish.

Whose pockets is this lining?

Nobody’s. Every penny of profit goes straight to the charity ‘Young Lives vs Cancer’.

Your site is called Wethermerch but I see only shirts and nothing else.

Patience my friend. Patience.

Is this official J D Wetherspoon’s merchandise?

It is not.

Have you consulted with them at all on this project?


Are you concerned they may not be happy with you appropriating their intellectual property?

It’s our hope that this project will be seen in positive light that it was intended. It’s a way of raising money for a good charity by leveraging a much loved British institution.

Who actually designed and produced the carpets that have inspired this project?

That would be a range of different designers and manufacturers including the incredible Wilton Carpets and Axminster Carpets. And no before you ask, they have also had no involvement with this project…


We can’t think of a better fit for this project than Young Lives vs Cancer. An amazing charity doing incredible work, supporting young people across the nation.

So every penny of profit this fashion range makes, is going straight to them.